Thursday, October 27, 2011

Energetically Crossing Over

  Wow I haven't blogged in a long time!!  I had the opportunity to go to a cadaver lab today. This is my second time visiting this lab in less than a year. This time was a very different experience. I am more educated than I was before. I am looking at the human body in a completely different way!!  The last time I went to the lab was as a yoga teacher in training. This time I went as a massage therapist in training.  Who would have thought that little 'ol me would be touching adipose, muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons (oh my)!?  First of all I want to say that the people who donate their bodies to science are amazing people. I am extremely grateful to have been able to learn from them.  I am extremely grateful to have such an amazing anatomist there to learn from as well.
  The lab director spent the very beginning of the class discussing some specific concepts with us and figuring out what we were really intersted in seeing. One of the concepts that I found to be extremely intriguing was regarding the abdominal muscles. He was talking about the rectus abdominis, external and internal obligues, and the transverse abdominis. He was stating that every single person has the muscle strength in their obligues to do bicycles. You know the core exercise they make you do in every yoga class where you bring your elbow to your opposite knee, crossing your mid-line. But he said that some people lose the ability to energetically cross over their mid-line or their rectus abdominis. See the obligues don't cross the mid-line of your body. They run into your rectus abdominis, whose muscle fibers run straight up and down. So while the muslces themselves always have the strength to twist your torso basically, some people just lose the ability to bring the energy from the right sides obligues over to the lefts (or vice versa). You are probably wondering right now why I found that interesting. Well the yogi in me starting thinking about it from a more spiritual standpoint.
  The way the anatomist phrased this was that some people lose the ability to "energetically crossover"  the mid-line.  I started thinking about the mid-line, or the rectus abdominis as representing the barriers we put up around ourselves throughout our lives. Whether they are physical, emotional, or mental barriers.  Sometimes we put up barriers and we allow them to be there for so long that we lose the ability to "energetically crossover" them. 
  For example, I try to run a few times a week. Every single time I run it is 100% a mental game for me. I have gone out and run 10 miles and felt great one day, and then the next day I go out and want to quit after a mile. I put up barriers for myself about what I am physically capable of doing. Now I know from studying and whatnot that our bodies are designed to do incredible things.  I know in my brain that I am capable of running the half marathon I've been talking about running. But then I put up a barrier that says..."what if you can't finish it" or "that's just silly, you can't do that".
  So today after cadaver lab I was thinking about how amazing the human body is. I went out and ran 6.5 miles like it was nothing. I was telling myself, I can "energetically crossover" these mind barrier that I set up about my running.  My goal is to find ways to "energetically crossover" as many of my barriers as possible. I dont think this is a small goal. I think this is a FOREVER goal in my life. Because there will always be barriers to try to crossover!

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